Anna Fasts' sod house, 1951.

MB History

Mennonite history tells the story of a people coming together based on common beliefs about the Bible with the collective desire to be faithful to God. The Mennonite journey, that started as part of the Reformation in central Europe in the 1500s, was known as Anabaptism. The main tenets of Anabaptists are adult baptism, separation of church and state, centrality of Jesus and Scripture in daily life, community discernment, and nonviolence. These strongly held beliefs became disruptive to the religious establishment of the time. Because of persecution, Mennonites scattered. In each location, new families joined this movement.

The Mennonite Brethren church began in 1860 as a new expression of Mennonite faith. This body has grown rapidly around the globe, with formal conferences established in 22 countries. The international community fellowships together annually at the ICOMB  Summit.

Today in Canada, in both rural and urban settings, there are over 200 Mennonite Brethren churches where people continue to come together to be encouraged in their discipleship journey and to faithfully live out our individual and collective mission.

For a more in-depth look at who we are and where we came from, get your copy of Family Matters at

For more Mennonite Brethren history visit  The Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies (CMBS).