Legacy Board

Legacy supports the charitable objectives of CCMBC as described in its General Operating Bylaw (2016) and provides payroll and accounting services for its churches and church entities, and pension and benefits administration services for employees of these organizations. Administration of investment and lending activities is provided through Legacy’s wholly owned subsidiary CCMBC Investments Ltd. CCMBC Investments facilitates the raising of funds to accomplish the charitable objectives of CCMBC. CCMBC Investments issues redeemable preferred shares and promissory notes to facilitate the lending of money secured by mortgages to MB churches, pastors of MB churches, and other MB church-affiliated institutions such as schools and camps. 

CCMBC is the sole member of Legacy. Legacy’s board is comprised of three persons who are current members of the CCMBC Executive Board and two persons who are not members of the CCMBC Executive Board and who have been selected by the CCMBC Nominating Committee and are affirmed at CCMBC’s National Assembly. Legacy owns all the property and capital assets required to provide management services to CCMBC. In support of CCMBC’s ministry initiatives, cash donations are declared by Legacy’s board when annual operating surpluses are realized.


Click here to visit the CCMBC Legacy Fund website.

Michael Dick
Legacy Board Chair / CCMBC Executive Board Representative
Tim Doerksen
CCMBC Executive Board Representative
Bertha Dyck
Member at large
Jeff Dyck
CCMBC Executive Board Representative
Cory Regier
Member at Large
Jim Bell
CFO - Legacy and CCMBC