CCMBC is the national Conference for MB Churches in Canada. Established by an act of parliament on December 18th, 1945. CCMBC exists to resource its churches through partnerships with six provincial conferences. These provincial conferences are located in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. This Canadian Conference has also established national agencies whose joint mission is to provide services to Canadian MB Churches. The national agencies are MB Seminary, Legacy, and Multiply. Further to this, CCMBC provides services and resources through its own internal departments, such as the Centre for MB Studies and Kindred Productions.

Mission / Vision

To cultivate a community and culture of healthy disciple-making churches and ministries, faithfully joining Jesus in his mission.

Our Values

  1. We operate in dependence on God, who is revealed to us most clearly in Jesus. The Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Jesus, gifts, energizes and leads His people. We therefore live in prayerful and obedient attentiveness to God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  2. We live by the guidance of Scripture. Because of the Scripture’s unique authority, we seek to understand it and live it out faithfully. The MB Confession of Faith describes our current convictions. Jesus, God’s Word to humanity, is the lens through which we read the Bible. We count on the Holy Spirit to guide our shared interpretations.
  3. We expect transformational discipleship. Because Jesus is Lord and calls all people to be His disciples, we strive to follow Jesus with all we are and have – will, mind, emotions, actions, possessions, and relationships. Because the Holy Spirit transforms Jesus’ followers, we encourage each other to grow in Christlikeness, and invite others to become Christ’s followers.
  4. We participate in God’s mission. God has called and sent His people, just as God sent Jesus. Therefore, as we go to all peoples near and far, we go with word and deed—proclaiming the gospel of reconciliation and doing the work of peace.
  5. We are church-focused. Local churches, as expressions of Christ’s body, are to announce and demonstrate God’s Kingdom, and are central to God’s work in the world. Therefore, all national and provincial initiatives must equip and serve local churches.
  6. We serve and lead together. Jesus calls His followers to learn, discern, obey, and serve together. We therefore value hearing each other, serving together, deferring to one another, and reconciling our relationships. These processes take place in and across local, provincial, and national contexts. We invite women and men of our churches to lead collaboratively at all three levels, and count on them to nurture interdependent relationships with each other and with those they serve. Recognizing the diversity within our larger denominational family, we call all to our central identity, mission, ethic, and theological convictions as described in the MB Confession of Faith and other MB documents and resolutions.
  7. We steward resources on God’s behalf. Ever since the creation of the universe, God has given good gifts to humanity and has authorized humans to tend these gifts as His resource managers. As stewards we therefore, serve the MB churches and ministries in Canada responsibly and competently, exercising care and integrity as we oversee the funds and all other assets entrusted to the church for its ministries. We expect all who oversee the church’s resources to demonstrate accountability and transparency.