BFL Resolution on Women in Ministry Leadership (Gathering 2006 – Calgary)



Reality, not moral failure nor biblical infidelity, nor spiritual immaturity dictates there will be many ways, not just one way of looking at the issue of the role of women in ministry leadership. "Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister... Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification" (Romans 14: 13, 19).


In the spirit of unity (John 17: 20,21), the Board of Faith and Life requests that we all proceed with a raised awareness of the significance our decision has upon our collective witness to our communities and country. It is a unified church that advances the gospel (1 Corinthians 8:12,13; 10:23,24).


The role of women in Ministry Leadership has been previously discerned and treated as a non-confessional issue by previous convention and study conference delegations. It is the counsel of the present Board of Faith and Life that this issue remain at the level of polity.


The purpose of this resolution is to empower congregations to exercise freedom of conscience before Christ in determining what leadership polity will reflect their faithfulness to the Word of God. The Board of Faith and Life encourages congregations to articulate the means and method of reaching that consensus for its members and adherents.


As a matter of polity, the Board of Faith and Life requests all constituent members, leaders and congregations to exercise a spirit of unity, charity and respect for every church's discerned ministry context, including its resolve regarding women in ministry leadership roles.